MPOS History
Modular Pipe Organ Systems was established in 2008 by founding directors Mark Booth and Paul Mortier who have been involved with designing and building combination organs since 2005.
MPOS has designed and installed combination organs in the UK for St Peter’s Church Nottingham in 2010 and St Nicholas, Warwick in 2011.
The company has also been successful in the Far East. Combination organs have been designed and built for music conservatories and a hotel in China, and Anglican, Baptist and Methodist churches in Singapore, Korea and Indonesia.
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MPOS has a workshop in Swanton Morley, Norfolk where components of organs such as the wind chests, regulators and casework are made.
MPOS People
Mark Booth (Director)

Mark Booth initially trained with J. W. Walker & Sons (Ruislip) and N. P. Mander Ltd., gaining enormous experience in all aspects of the craft. Mark re-joined the new J. W. Walker team at Brandon, working alongside Andrew Pennells as Project Manager. He subsequently worked for Richard Bower and Goetze & Gwynn. He is particularly known for his expertise in historic leather work, working on important restoration projects such as St. Botolph's, Aldgate. He is equally at home installing modern solid state organ systems. Mark is to be credited with conceiving the MPOS modular concept, specifically building pipe organs for the digital market. With his expert knowledge of all matters relating to pipe organ manufacture, Mark is responsible for the project planning, construction and testing of MPOS pipe modules.
Paul Mortier (Director)

Paul Mortier graduated in 2000 with a 2.i Masters degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (University of London). He then worked as a design engineer at Motorola in Loughborough on a project in association with Imperial College. Upon completion of the project, the opportunity arose to pursue his musical and technical interests in the organ.
From 2003 he worked with a number of companies, including J. W. Walker & Sons, which allowed him to learn the fundamentals of organ building and design. Given his technical expertise he originally concentrated on the electronic systems for combining electronic and speaking pipes, including designing a custom MIDI interface and auto-tuner. Over time this design role expanded to include other aspects of combination organs and Paul is now primarily responsible for the overall organ design for MPOS, in association with Mark.
Paul is the organist at his local church, St Alban’s, Watchfield, Swindon. He was a pupil of Ian Crabbe at Marlborough College.
David Wilson (Tonal Consultant)

David Wilson is our voicer and tonal consultant. Prior to working with MPOS David was the Tonal Director of J W Walker & Sons until he chose to become independent in order to further develop his already considerable experience. He has worked on a large number of notable pipe organs all over the world, including St Chad's Cathedral, Birmingham (UK) and St Mark's Episcopal Church, Grand Rapids (Michigan, USA).
Through his worldwide experience he has built up a knowledge of the different styles and requirements that may be desired by different cultures. By working with MPOS, David has been able to apply his traditional voicing skills to the voicing of both speaking and electronic pipes. This enables MPOS to produce a more tightly integrated combination of the two components of the instrument.
David is a keen keep fit enthusiast, taken to triathlons in recent times and raising money for local worthy causes in the Norwich area. He has a strong interest in cooking which comes from extensive travel done as an organ builder sampling food around the world.
David can be contacted as an independent Tonal Consultant at